Date: 15/05/2024
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Embedding video

Want to play a video on your Church111 page? No problem! You can upload video files to your media downloads page. But what if you want to play the video on another part of your site, or what if you're concerned about the large storage requirements?

Consider using a free video site like YouTube or Vimeo. These services let you upload your videos to the web (either publicly or privately) and then you can embed the entire video player anywhere on your Church111 site. You can even embed videos that other people have uploaded!

Here's step-by-step instructions for YouTube:

1. Upload the video. You'll need an account first, but this is super easy to set up.

2. While viewing the video, there should be a button that says "Share" under the video player. Click that.

3. You'll see some more options. Click the button that says "Embed".

4. This will give you the embed code you need. It should be highlighted already, so just copy it.

5. Switch back to Church111 and edit the page that you want the video to appear on.

6. Click to expand the menu that says "Addl. Content" (It's under the main content box)

7. Paste the embed code into the second box down, the one that says "Embed Code"

8. Save your page and enjoy!

There are quite a few steps here, so remember, if you have any questions or trouble don't hesitate to give us a call, email or live help chat!