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Take your website mobile!

Smartphones are the future and the future is now! With more and more of your audience using the latest mobile technology, they are more connected than ever before - make sure your church is part of that connection!

The Church111 Mobile App is the perfect way to keep your high-speed, tech-savy audience engaged. Available for both iPhone and Android devices, the mobile app quickly presents all the most relevant and current content your website directly to your members. Your events, calendar, news, blog and announcements are all highlighted at the press of a button.

The mobile app is $10/month add-on for you, but its free for all your members!

Want to give it a try first? Get your phone and visit your mobile app store right now-- search for "church111" and download the application FREE. Enter in our demo site "" to see how easy it is to get church updates and info.

And as always, if you have questions don't hesitate to call or email us!